An Old Philosopher
A little light reading before bed last night, some pages by George Santayana, these words written nearly a century ago: “Civilization is perhaps approaching one of those long winters that overtake it from time to time. A flood of barbarism from below may soon level all the fair works of our Christian ancestors, as another flood two thousand years ago leveled those of the ancients.” Soon after that I fell asleep and the venerable philosopher visited me in dream. He was wearing a Mets cap and looked a bit like Mr. Met as he pointed to the bare woods behind the house and said: “See?” Collie tracks were leading every which way through the deep snow. I don’t remember what happened next except I woke up and the snow is still there and collie tracks. Opening day is in a couple weeks but I haven’t followed the Mets since they traded Seaver. But now at least I know what the old philosopher looks like on the threshold of heaven.