John P. O'Grady Blog

The Town Tomb

It’s a beauteous Dour Hour, calm and free, down at Pandora’s Tavern. The early June sun is sinking low in its tranquility. The windows of the tavern are thrown open wide. I sit near...

Called Back

Around back of Emily Dickinson’s Homestead. Lots of visitors but they are very quiet. All of them are on the phone, just listening. Apparently there’s a number you dial for an official recorded guided...


Here is where Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick. And Pierre. And Israel Potter. And The Confidence Man. And Billy Budd. The docent at this historic home in the Berkshires is a college student. This...

Seeking Roots

An email in my box from one of those genealogy sites, with this subject heading: “John P., experience a whole new Ancestry”. Okay. I take the bait and open the message. It’s blank. Nada....

Local History

Local History

The Old Burying Ground in an Upstate, almost-Vermont, New York village dates from 1769. Nearby is an idle fairgrounds. Official historical signage indicates: “More Revolutionary soldiers are buried here than any other cemetery in...

Tangled Weeds

Garlic mustard, I am led to believe, is an invasive weed. So each spring I walk around Paradise Hill and wherever I see it I yank it from the ground. One weed after another....

Real Estate Listing

A stately old home in a prime location. Formerly used as a funeral parlor. Ready for easy conversion back. Into a single or multi-family home. Smoke detector system. Dry sprinkler system. Both fully installed....

A Grave Error

My old flip phone. Old? Maybe eight years. I went back to it last summer, after going through two or three generations of “smart” phones. I thought I was being smart by reverting to...

Landscape of Dream

Last evening, first rain in weeks. Then last night, a dream about grasses. Hundreds and hundreds of them, ten thousand maybe, glowing in clarity, growing on the front lawn. Growing, growing, growing! I wake...

My Ghosts

“When are you going to do some real writing instead of all this internet stuff?” A good question. I get it a lot from my writer friends. I can’t say I blame them. I...