Category: Waypoints

“A Waypoint is a blaze of words that marks an intermediate stop along a journey.”

Dog of a Lifetime

Mr. Maple has always been a Collie with his own agenda, a “lone wolf” from birth. He was the first puppy out of his mother’s womb and immediately made his way to the far...

Behavior Problem

I got thrown out of Catholic school in the 4th grade because I was–in Sister Mary Dorothy’s words–“a behavior problem.” That year as well, I got tossed out of the Cub Scouts for the...

Laugh Before Breakfast, Cry Before Sunset

In the good ole days, I enjoyed reading the morning paper as I ate my breakfast. Then the 21st century rolled around. I still read the news over my breakfast, but now that news...

A Curious Post

Funny thing happened today at the transfer station (formerly known as the dump). As I was walking past the large container for waste paper, a gust of wind came through and blew a ragged...

An Alluring Water Feature

  Let the waters swarm with a swarm of living creatures. – Genesis 1:20 Not long ago, David Rothenberg and I visited the most secret of all secret ponds. It lies next to a...

Night Ride Home

The night of the day my father died, I was driving my mother home along a serpentine road through a long stretch of northern Alabama woods, grim and unfamiliar. We were strangers here, a...

Some Things Follow the Sun

A sunny day and I was meeting Chip Blake for lunch at a brewpub nestled in the shadow of Monument Mountain in the Berkshires. Monument Mountain is where Herman Melville met Nathaniel Hawthorne for...

At Risk for Falls

Upon one reach Reach a certain age and one’s Medical Record by default includes a caveat: “At Risk for Falls.” This year in the Land of Rip Van Winkle, the entire region was diagnosed...


I spent the Labor Day weekend sorting through cardboard coffins—a.k.a., Bankers Boxes—crammed with my “papers.” Once upon a time, these sheets were bright with blankness. Then I saw fit to deface them with my...

Ursine Feast

What until the night before had been an old stump at the edge of the yard, now a gaping pit (“tip” spelled backwards) left by a hungry bear. No more carpenter ants here. Full...